Many people unfortunately believe that if they suddenly became incapacitated by illness or an accident their spouse or children would automatically be able to deal with their affairs such as accessing their bank accounts, paying their mortgage, household bills and making important decisions on their behalf about their medical care and even where they should live.
They would be wrong.
Without a Lasting Power of attorney family members will not be able to undertake these tasks which is why it is so important to plan today for your future.
You can draft your own Lasting Power of Attorney or LPA yourself, but it must be completed correctly, and the forms are lengthy and designed to be signed and witnessed in a set order.
They contain terminology such as jointly or jointly and severally and many people confuse their meaning which can have adverse consequences if one attorney moves away or is uncontactable.
Mistakes on completion and witnessing of these forms leads to further delays and costs, there is a fee to resubmit your LPA if it contains a mistake and delays can mean all the difference if your condition deteriorates and you lose capacity or suffer an accident before it has been completed.
We are able to provide professional guidance and expertise taking you through the whole process efficiently and ensuring you have the best LPA for your circumstances whatever the future may hold.